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514 items matching filters


Nuts and Bolts of Corporate Bankruptcy 2022

December.12.2022 - December.13.2022 | Practising Law Institute (PLI) | New York (Webcast available)

Evan Hollander serves as co-chair and panelist of the Practicing Law Institute (PLI) program "Nuts and Bolts of Corporate Bankruptcy 2022.


2022 P3 Government Conference

December.01.2022 - December.02.2022 | Hyatt Regency Crystal City | Arlington, VA

Energy & Infrastructure partner Matthew Neuringer moderated a panel on Thursday, December 1, on “IIJA and Transportation: What Have We Learned One Year Later?” during the 2022 P3 Government Conference. The panel covered the impact of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) on ...


2022 TechGC Global Summit

November.03.2022 | Hilton NY Midtown

Thora Johnson will be leading a breakout topic session at the 2022 TechGC Global Summit.