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National Association of Women Judges 2018 Midyear Meeting

Orrick IP partners, Annette Hurst and Karen Johnson-McKewan, are both speakers at the National Association of Women Judges 2018 Midyear Meeting held at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge on April 12-14, 2018.


2018 NYU Social Innovation Symposium

Orrick is proud to sponsor and participate in the 2018 NYU Social Innovation Symposium on February 23, 2018.


Orrick Webinar: More to Say on Equal Pay: 2018 Global Update

Pay equity continues to be an issue of focus across the globe. While many jurisdictions currently have some form of gender-based pay equity requirements, new legislation is imposing greater requirements on multinationals. In this webinar, our Equal Pay Team address the current pay equity landscape.


NYSBA Securities Regulation Committee Meeting

Orrick Tax lawyers John Narducci and Stephen Lessard will participate in a panel discussion at the NYSBA's Business Law Section Securities Regulation Committee Meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2018.