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182 items matching filters


Africa Energy Forum

June.07.2017 - June.09.2017 | Copenhagen, Denmark

Orrick are sponsors of the Africa Energy Forum (AEF) - a global investment meeting for Africa’s power, energy, infrastructure and industrial sectors.


Global ABS

June.06.2017 - June.08.2017 | Barcelona, Spain

Orrick is proud to be a sponsor of AFME and IMN's 21st Annual Global ABS, taking place 6-8 June 2017, in Barcelona, Spain.


Renewables without Subsidies: The New Normal

May.03.2017 | Orrick London

Join Orrick and our panel of experts for a seminar in which we consider the opportunities and challenges facing developers, investors and lenders in a post-subsidy world.


Spring ELSA Symposium

April.25.2017 | Orrick London

Orrick will be hosting the upcoming Spring ELSA Symposium (European Life Settlement Association) in our London offices. The Symposium will aim to provide an update on key issues facing the European life settlement market following Brexit and the Trump presidency. Sessions will cover the likely ...


The Anatomy of an Energy Storage Project

November.22.2016 | Orrick London

Join Orrick and our panel of experts for a seminar in which we consider the principal components of an energy storage project, from technology supply through to project development and discuss the various means of accessing the full value stack that storage can offer. Our panel of industry experts ...


Energies Nouvelles

November.17.2016 | Orrick Rambaud Martel in partnership with the European American Chamber of Commerce (France)

Le Cabinet Orrick Rambaud Martel a le plaisir de vous inviter à une conference sur le thème : ENERGIES NOUVELLES Les défis d’un secteur en perpétuelle mutation Avec les interventions de : Jean-Pierre MARTEL, Associé fondateur d’Orrick Rambaud Martel, Paris Introduction des ...