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190 items matching filters


2nd Annual GIR Live Women in Investigations

June.12.2019 | Clothworkers Hall, London

Please join Orrick at the 2nd Annual GIR Live Women in Investigations conference on Wednesday, June 12 at Clothworkers Hall, London, where partner Amy Walsh will be presenting.


Joint Operating Agreements

January.31.2019 | The Law Society

How to Avoid Drafting Landmines (and tips to survive any you trigger...)
Join us for a discussion of key issues and recent industry developments followed by a networking reception.


Orrick Webinar: GDPR Hot Topics – Employer Essentials

November.15.2018 | Webinar - Recording Available

We are now 6 months into this groundbreaking new law which has significant impact on businesses in and outside the EU. Clearly, given the significant volume of sensitive personal data processed, HR functions must take center stage as this new law bites.