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California Employment Law Update (Silicon Valley)

Get ahead of workplace policy updates during this one-stop shop seminar hosted by Orrick's employment law team. Join us for a discussion of new legislation, case law developments, and hot issues that California employers need to be aware of in 2020.


California Employment Law Update (San Francisco)

Get ahead of workplace policy updates during this one-stop shop seminar hosted by Orrick's employment law team. Join us for a discussion of new legislation, case law developments, and hot issues that California employers need to be aware of in 2020.


MOBI Colloquium Los Angeles

Orrick is sponsoring the MOBI Colloquium Los Angeles which takes place on November 12-13, 2019. MOBI events explore the convergence of AI, IoT, Blockchain, Mobility, and Smart Cities to build the minimum viable ecosystem for human mobility by fostering creative and professional growth alike.


Dive/In Day: Orange County Office Client Event

Orrick is hosting a midday reception for Dive/In Day on October 29, 2019 in Irvine, CA. The event will feature a discussion with Sandra Robbie, Emmy-winning writer/producer of the documentary Mendez vs. Westminster: For All the Children / Para Todos los Niños.