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630 items matching filters

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Dive/In 2016

On Tuesday, October 18, Orrick will host our eighth annual “Dive/In,” a worldwide celebration of different backgrounds and cultures.


Design Law 2016

Supreme Court & Appellate partner Mark Davies will be speaking on a panel on product configuration trade dress at the upcoming Design Law 2016 conference. His panel will specifically address recent case law, how to protect and defend product configuration under trademark laws, strategically ...


Global Antitrust Economics Conference

Antitrust partner Jim Tierney will be a moderator at the Global Antitrust Economics Conference at the Searle Center on Law, Regulation and Economic Growth at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law in Chicago on Friday, October 7, 2016. Tierney will moderate a peak on a panel entitled “International ...


Infocast Corporate Renewables 2016

Infocast Corporate Renewables 2016 is a valuable resource for meeting your peers and renewable energy suppliers and advancing your game plan for successful renewable energy strategy and procurement.


Additive Manufacturing + 3D Printing Conference & Expo

Washington, D.C., partner Vann Pearce and senior associate Christopher Higgins will be featured speakers at the Additive Manufacturing + 3D Printing in Charlotte, North Carolina, on August 22. Vann and Chris will lead the panel titled "The Intersection of 3D Printing & Intellectual Property," which ...