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20 items matching filters


Nuts and Bolts of Corporate Bankruptcy 2018

December.17.2018 - December.18.2018 | PLI New York Center (Webcast available)

Evan Hollander and Lorraine McGowen will be speaking at the upcoming “Nuts and Bolts of Corporate Bankruptcy” program at the Practising Law Institute.


New York City Bankruptcy Conference

May.24.2018 | New York Hilton Midtown

Orrick partner Evan Hollander will be speaking on the Cross-Border Bankruptcy Issues panel at the American Bankruptcy Institute’s 20th Annual New York City Bankruptcy Conference. The conference is being held on May 24, 2018 at the New York Hilton Midtown.


Northern California's 17th Annual Bankruptcy Conference

February.22.2018 - February.23.2018 | Hyatt Regency Sacramento

Orrick senior counsel Marc Levinson will be speaking at Northern California's 17th Annual Bankruptcy Conference, being held February 22-23, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento. The event is sponsored by the Sacramento Valley Bankruptcy Forum. Marc will be discussing Chapter 11 issues.