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20 items matching filters


EQS Roadshow - Frankfurt

October.12.2016 | Frankfurt, Germany

As part of the EQS roadshow in several major German cities, Orrick Partner Dr. Timo Holzborn will give an update on the latest developments in capital market law.

For more information, contact Dr. Holzborn.


EQS Roadshow - Düsseldorf

October.06.2016 | Orrick - Düsseldorf

As part of the EQS roadshow in several major German cities, Orrick Partner Dr. Timo Holzborn will give an update on the latest developments in capital market law.

For more information, contact Dr. Holzborn.


EQS Roadshow - Stuttgart

October.05.2016 | Stuttgart, Germany

As part of the EQS roadshow in several major German cities, Orrick Partner Dr. Timo Holzborn will give an update on the latest developments in capital market law.

For more information, contact Dr. Holzborn.


EQS Roadshow - Munich

September.30.2016 | Munich, Germany

As part of the EQS roadshow in several major German cities, Orrick Partner Dr. Timo Holzborn will give an update on the latest developments in capital market law.

For more information, contact Dr. Holzborn.