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100 items matching filters


Frontiers of Digital Finance

October.02.2017 - October.03.2017 | Faculty House, Columbia University

Orrick is proud to sponsor Columbia Business School’s inaugural fintech conference, Frontiers of Digital Finance, taking place October 2-3, 2017 in New York. The conference, presented by Columbia Business School and leading online marketplace Biz2Credit, aims to be a mutual learning environment for ...


Total Access Japan - 10 Traps for Start-Ups

September.14.2017 | Orrick Tokyo

日本語: 9月のイベント: スタートアップのハマリやすい10の罠 Orrick's Total Access Japan Event Series provides entrepreneurs business, tactical, and legal education through complimentary panels and seminars and networking events. Orrick represents over 1600 start-ups in the US, Japan, China and Europe, and has been ...


AAAIM 2017 National Conference

September.06.2017 - September.07.2017 | Harvard Club of New York

Orrick is proud to sponsor the Association for Asian American Investment Managers' (AAAIM) 2017 National Conference. The theme of this year’s event is Shift: The Impact of Changes in the Current Economy.