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500 items matching filters


TechGC Virtual SPAC & Direct Listing Forum

February.02.2021 - February.04.2021 | Online webinar

This three-day event will bring together General Counsels of high growth technology companies and venture funds to discuss how to approach these liquidity events strategically including evaluating which structure to use, understanding economics/dilution, and how to execute on these transactions.


Orrick Library Webinar Series
AI & Data: Recent Developments and Practical Tips

January.28.2021 | Webinar - Connection details will be presented upon registration.

Presented by Richard Martinelli, partner in our New York Office and Kei Kato, Law Clerk in the New York Office, this session will discuss recent developments and legal issues in AI and data usage with an emphasis on IP, and will offer practical tips for Japanese companies.


Guardian of the Galaxy? The Section 45Q Carbon Capture Tax Credit

January.19.2021 | Online webinar

The Biden Administration intends to bring climate change issues center stage and it can be expected to use tax provisions to implement its climate change agenda. Of the existing tax provisions incentivizing green behavior, the section 45Q tax credit for carbon capture and sequestration is a key ...


ACI's 37th International Conference on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

December.01.2020 - December.03.2020 | Virtual Conference

Orrick partners Guy Singer and Anne Murray are speaking at ACI’s 37th International Conference on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. This is the legal and compliance event of the year, where top minds from the anti-corruption community discuss solutions to their everyday challenges.


Nuts and Bolts of Corporate Bankruptcy 2020

December.01.2020 - December.02.2020 | Virtual Seminar

Evan Hollander, program co-chair, and Lorraine McGowen spoke at the Practising Law Institute’s annual two-day Nuts and Bolts of Corporate Bankruptcy program on December 1 and 2.