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Total Access Japan – February 2019 Event

In this session, Hiroki Sugita, partner in Orrick's Tokyo office, will explain the common legal challenges faced by early-stage startups from a Japanese law perspective.


Seminar: Big Data and Antitrust

Digital Economy and Competition Law | The vision of two particularly committed national authorities (the German and the French) | At this seminar, representatives of the two authorities will inform us about their work and provide insights into their administrative priorities in the digital economy.


Thought Leadership: Secret Weapons of Communication

Orrick presents this year’s Thought Leadership event in Düsseldorf. Our speaker Leo Martin is going to reveal the secrets of fair and appreciative communication and how to use them to one’s advantage.


Simulated Cybersecurity Incident

The ISACA lunch is a simulated cybersecurity incident. Legal and PR/communications experts have created a hypothetical cybersecurity data breach, ripped right from the current data breach headlines. Designed to mimic the way that a typical data breach incident unfolds, our tabletop exercise will ...