RSA Conference: Benchmarks for AI Implementation, Privacy and Data Protection Theory and Practice, and Recent Cyber Cases

| May.06.2024 - May.07.2024

Moscone Center

Behnam DayanimAravind Swaminathan, and Shannon Yavorsky will be co-leading sessions at RSA Conference, a global conference that brings cybersecurity professionals together to discuss critical cybersecurity issues and emerging threats.

Orrick’s Panels

AI: Law, Policy, and Common Sense Suggestions to Stay Out of Trouble |  May 6, 2024  |  9:40am PST
AI is here, and in many areas the law lags the technology. Behnam Dayanim is leading a session on the intersection of AI and security that explores the ethical, legal, and policy considerations as business develop new use-cases for AI. Attendees will learn how governance structures and benchmarks can be used to maximize successful implementation of AI while minimizing the potential risks.

Bridging Theory and Practice of Privacy and Data Protection  |  May 6, 2024  |  9:40am PST
In an era where privacy and data protection are paramount yet frequently overlooked, there's a pressing need to integrate these considerations from the ground up. Join speaker Shannon Yavorsky as she shares practical examples and discusses effective privacy and data protection measures, their real-world applications, and how to turn theoretical ideals into actionable strategies.

Avoiding Legal Landmines: A Review of Recent Cyber Cases  |  May 7, 2024  |  1:15pm PST
Aravind Swaminathan, MITRE’s Chief Legal Officer, and a Cybersecurity Policy and Compliance Analyst from Booz, Allen Hamilton will lead a fast-paced interactive session on the leading cyber court cases from the past year. The session will identify the most important legal developments and their impact on firms and cyber professionals. Attendees will learn practical steps they can take now to minimize loss or liability in the future.