Frequently Asked Questions

What is your coaching style? With Patrick Barry, Director of Greenhouse @ Orrick Tech Studio

Early in my career, I had the great privilege of working with a man named Bill "Coach" Campbell, who is a legendary figure in Silicon Valley. He coached many of the founders that have developed and built the biggest names that we have in technology.

Bill passed away a few years ago, but he inspired many of us, mostly not because of his technical acumen, but because he was a football coach. He coached the Columbia University Lions; it was a terrible football team, but he was a great coach and brought a sense of teamwork, a great passion for communication, and a roughhewn honesty to everything he did. He always gave back to all of us. And he was always there. No matter when you called him to talk about a challenge or a problem you might have in your company or personally.

I modeled my style and my coaching practice on Bill Campbell. And I honor what he contributed to the Valley in every time every conversation I have with founders.

I'm so very privileged to have this job. And I hope I get to talk to you.

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