"Tread Carefully In Discovery: Preclusion Sanctions in the ITC," Managing Intellectual Property, May 2015.
"Why The ITC Matters To You," Managing Intellectual Property, February 2015.
"ITC ALJ Issues Severe Sanctions Against Respondents and Their Counsel for "Abhorrent Conduct," Managing Intellectual Property, November 2014.
"ITC ALJ Breaks New Ground, further Heightening the DI Requirement for NPEs," Managing Intellectual Property, August 2014.
"An Early Proactive Strategy Against Patent Assertion Entities in the ITC," Managing Intellectual Property, May 2014.
"United States International Trade Commission Raises Domestic Industry Requirement For Non-Practicing Entities," Managing Intellectual Property, March 2014.
"The End is Just the Beginning: Enforcement of ITC Exclusion Orders," Managing Intellectual Property, November 2013.
"Presidential Veto of ITC Ban On Apple Devices Signals New Approach To Standard Essential Patents," Managing Intellectual Property, August 2013.
"White House Reins In ITC on Standard-Essential Patents," Orrick Client Alert, August 2013.
"White House Should Rein In The ITC On SEPs," Orrick Client Alert, August 2013.
"Beyond TianRui v. ITC: How Far Will the US Courts Go?" Managing Intellectual Property, June 2013
"President Obama, Judge Rader, and Patent Trolls," Orrick Client Alert, June 2013.
"District Court Judge Enjoins Standards-Essential Patent Owner From Enforcing ITC Exclusion Order," Orrick Client Alert, May 2013.
"ITC Proposes New Rules to Limit Discovery," Managing Intellectual Property, December 2012
"A Possible Shift at the ITC on Exclusion Orders for Essential Standard Setting Patents," Managing Intellectual Property, August 2012
"Is the AIA’s New Joinder Provision Driving Plaintiffs to the ITC," Managing Intellectual Property, May 2012
"Investigations Before the International Trade Commission," Managing Intellectual Property, September 2011.
"Changes in ITC Domestic Industry Requirement for Foreign Companies and Non-Practicing Entities," Managing Intellectual Property, June 2010.
"Use Redesigns to Win at the ITC," Managing Intellectual Property, Americas, 6th Edition, 2010.
"Initial Steps for an ITC Respondent," Managing Intellectual Property, September 2009.
Co-Author, "Implications of the Sucralose ITC Investigation For Chinese Companies," Managing Intellectual Property, December 2009.
"Several Healthy Steps Away: New & Improved Products in Section 337 Investigations," 8 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 309, 2009.
"Does the ITC Offer a Loophole Around eBay," 337 Reporter, Vol. XXIV, Summer 2008.
"Protecting America’s Borders: Section 337 IP Infringement Investigations at the ITC," Winter 2006.
"Five Steps That Can Help You When the ITC Comes A-Knockin’," LAW.COM, October 5, 2006.
"Not Mere Litigation: Remedies Available for IP Infringement at the International Trade Commission," ABA Intellectual Property Litigation, Vol. 16, No. 4, Winter 2005.
"IP Infringement and the Ultimate Rocket Docket: Enforcing ITC Orders Against Infringing Goods," July 2005.
"IP Infringement and the Ultimate Rocket Docket: Section 337 Investigations at the ITC," October 2004.
"Section 337 Litigation at the International Trade Commission: Orrick’s ITC Practice and Recent Developments at the ITC," Orrick IP Presentation, May 2014.
"Intellectual Property Litigation at the International Trade Commission: How Evolving Law Is Limiting Access by NPEs to the ITC," Orrick CLE Seminar, January 2014.
"Recent Developments in the International Trade Commission," Orrick IP Presentation, May 2014.
"Recent Developments in ITC Section 337 Practice: The Domestic Industry Requirement after the CAFC’s Coaxial Cable Decision and the ITC’s Pioneer-694 Decision, and the Scope of ITC Jurisdiction over Foreign Trade Secret Misappropriation after the CAFC’s TianRui Group Decision," Orrick’s Strategies for Global IP Litigation and Licensing 2011 Seminar, November 2011.
"Litigating in the ITC," Intellectual Property Symposium, March 2009.
"District Court Injunction or ITC Limited Exclusion Order? Life After eBay and Kyocera," Orrick Quarterly IP Symposium, March 2009.
"The International Trade Commission," Santa Clara Computer & High Technology Law Journal Symposium, January 2009.
"The Accused Infringer–Caught in the Crossfire—Strategies for Continuing to Do Business in the Face of an ITC Remedial Order," American Intellectual Property Lawyers Ass’n Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 2008.
"High-Stakes Patent Litigation Practice: Patent Litigation in the International Trade Commission, the Federal Circuit, and the Supreme Court" Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 28, 2007.
"Friend or Foe: Section 337 IP Infringement Investigations," Korean Electronic Association, Seoul, Korea, May 31, 2007.
"Friend or Foe: Section 337 IP Infringement Investigations," Korea Small Business Association, Seoul, Korea, May 30, 2007.
"Section 337: A Primer," Rotary Club of Beijing, China, May 29, 2007.
"Not Mere Litigation: General Exclusion Orders at the U.S. International Trade Commission," 2007 Chinese Hi-Tech Enterprise and U.S. IP Litigation Strategy Forum, Beijing, China, May 25, 2007.
"Responding to Section 337 Investigations," 2007 Chinese Hi-Tech Enterprise and U.S. IP Litigation Strategy Forum, Shanghai, China, May 23, 2007.
"Nuts and Bolts of Section 337 Investigations," 2007 Chinese Hi-Tech Enterprise and U.S. IP Litigation Strategy Forum, Shenzhen, China, May 22, 2007.
"Friend or Foe: Section 337 IP Infringement Investigations," American Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong, China, May 20, 2007.
"Section 337 Investigations: A Primer," Texas State Bar; Intellectual Property Law Section, Dallas, Texas, March 2007.
"Friend or Foe: Section 337 IP Infringement Investigations at the United States International Trade Commission," New Delhi, India, February 2006.
"Friend or Foe: Section 337 IP Infringement Investigations at the United States International Trade Commission," Hong Kong SAR Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong, January 2006.
"Not Mere Litigation: Using Section 337 to Protect the Asian Company’s U.S. IP Rights," British Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong, January 2006.
"Section 337 IP Infringement Investigations at the U. S. International Trade Commission," IPR Summit 2006, Bangalore, India, January 2006.
"Section 337 IP Infringement Investigations at the U.S. International Trade Commission," Tokyo, Japan, January 2006.
"A Guide to Section 337 IP Infringement Investigations," Sino-American Forum of Intellectual Property Rights, Dongguan, China, October 2005.
"A Guide to Using Section 337 to Enforce IP Rights in the United States" Hong Kong SAR, China, October 2005.
"Guide to Section 337 IP Infringement Investigation" Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan, July 2005.
"IP Infringement and the Ultimate Rocket Docket: Enforcing ITC Orders Against Infringing Goods," 31st Annual Intellectual Property Law Summer Institute, Mackinac Island, Michigan, July 2005.
"Section 337 IP Infringement Investigations: A Primer" Hong Kong SAR, China, July 2005.
"Not Mere Litigation: IP Infringement Actions at the U.S. International Trade Commission," Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, May 2005.
"IP Infringement Actions in the Ultimate Rocket Docket: the US International Trade Commission," Beijing and Shanghai, China, October 2004.
"Section 337 IP Infringement Actions for Respondents (and Complainants) Based in Taiwan," Hsinchu City, Taiwan, October 2004.
"The Ins and Outs of Section 337 Investigations," Michigan Bar Association, Mackinac Island, Michigan, July 2004.
"Mining Your Patent Portfolio: Using Section 337 to Enforce IP Rights, Law Seminars International," Houston, Texas, November 2003.
"Responding to a Section 337 (IP Infringement) Investigation," Tokyo, Japan, October 2003.
"Not Mere Litigation: Section 337 Investigations before the International Trade Commission," Centre for International Legal Studies, Kitzbühel, Austria, January 2002.