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3D Printshow Paris 2014

Orrick IP partner Vann Pearce and IP attorney Chris Higgins will be featured speakers at this year's 3D Printshow in Paris, which brings together key players from the entire 3D printing ecosystem. 3D Printshow gives an overview of the many facets of 3D printing/Additive Manufacturing, alongside a ...


French Insolvency Law Changes

The French economy is struggling and consequently France has been the most active market in Europe for financial restructurings over the past two years. French insolvency laws have been evolving since the introduction of the ‘sauvegarde’ procedure in 2005 and the market for distressed debt and ...


3D Printshow London 2014

Orrick IP partner Vann Pearce and IP attorney Chris Higgins will be featured speakers at this year's 3D Printshow in London, which brings together key players from the entire 3D printing ecosystem. 3D Printshow gives an overview of the many facets of 3D printing/Additive Manufacturing, alongside a ...


Italian non-performing loans

Italian banks face tough structural challenges and in response many are looking to manage their portfolio by selling non-performing loans - NPLs. The Italian NPL sector is generating considerable investor interest, even for those whose investment activity normally focuses on single name corporate ...