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262 items matching filters


Venture Capital 2018: Nuts and Bolts

May.31.2018 | PLI California Center (Webcast available)

Partner Gregory Heibel will be a panelist in the PLI program "Venture Capital 2018: Nuts and Bolts" on Thursday, May 31 at 9:00 a.m.


Tech Entrepreneurs Breakfast Briefing: Selling your Business

May.09.2018 | Orrick London

More than ever before, US tech giants are looking across the Atlantic for acquisition opportunities, seeking innovation and global scale. Rightly so, entrepreneurs are seeing large, global, deep-pocketed US acquirers as an exciting future home for their businesses.


Seattle's Tipping Point: An Economy on the Verge

April.19.2018 | Orrick Seattle

Once thought of as a provincial backwater in terms of entrepreneurial activity, Seattle is in the midst of rapid historic growth. But what is driving this growth? Understanding Seattle's social and economic history is key to anticipating and investing in our future.