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16 items matching filters

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Pro Bono: Comparing Regulatory Frameworks

Lorraine McGowen will be moderating a panel on Thursday, July 29th at 11 a.m. Eastern, co-hosted by Vance Center for International Justice and the New York City Bar Association entitled Pro Bono: Comparing Regulatory Frameworks, co-sponsored with, Pro Bono Clearing House, and PILG.NG.


Impact Capital Forum – Opportunity Zones

Orrick is hosting Impact Capital for their fourth gathering about Opportunity Zones. The working group’s members will discuss early stage venture capital and SME investments that can optimize their Opportunity Zones investment activity.


Legal Issues in Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Investing

Orrick's Perry Teicher and Quinn Moss will be speaking at the Grunin Center of Law & Social Entrepreneurship at NYU School of Law’s 2018 Legal Issues in Social Entrepreneurship & Impact Investing-in the US and Beyond event on June 5-6, 2018. The themes of this year’s conference include: ...


2018 NYU Social Innovation Symposium

Orrick is proud to sponsor and participate in the 2018 NYU Social Innovation Symposium on February 23, 2018.