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EQS Roadshow - Munich

As part of the EQS roadshow in several major German cities, Orrick Partner Dr. Timo Holzborn will give an update on the latest developments in capital market law.

For more information, contact Dr. Holzborn.


Expert Briefing on Privacy and Cybersecurity in Transition

On September 28th, 2016 at 6:00 pm, Orrick hosts together with AmCham Germany and @-yet an interesting event on Data Privacy and Cybersecurity. Our speakers Dr. Christian Schröder (Orrick) and Wolfgang Straßer (@-yet) will give hand-on advice on the latest developments in Data Privacy and Cyber ...


Infocast Corporate Renewables 2016

Infocast Corporate Renewables 2016 is a valuable resource for meeting your peers and renewable energy suppliers and advancing your game plan for successful renewable energy strategy and procurement.


Intellectual Property Law Institute 2016

Lisa Simpson will be a featured panelist at Practising Law Institute's (PLI) Intellectual Property Law Institute 2016 event. Lisa will lead a discussion titled "Digital Developments in Music", which will focus on legal implications of the shift from media downloads to streaming, litigation between ...