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California Climate Bills: Practical Steps Companies Should Take Now

Join Orrick partners Patrick Ferguson, Ashley Walter and J.T. Ho as well as Orrick’s Climate Advisor, Avani Panchal, for a discussion on key issues stemming from California's recent implementation of the country’s most comprehensive corporate climate disclosure laws to date.


Infocast California Clean Energy Procurement Summit

Patrick Ferguson will be moderating a summit panel on Thursday, May 4, titled "Status and Outlook of Transmission, Distribution & Interconnection in CAISO," on the current state of California’s transmission system and the critical expansions and upgrades needed to improve the transmission system ...


Winning PPAs in the West: Key Regulatory Drivers

Join the conversation to learn more about the major regulatory and commercial trends facing Western power markets and project development, including: California’s 12 GW reliability procurement mandates Resource Adequacy (RA) market design and changes Growth of the CAISO’s footprint ...