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REFF Wall Street

Orrick Energy & Infrastructure Partner Chris Gladbach will moderate an Equity Investment session on June 20 from 3:15 – 4:15 p.m.


Africa Investment Rising Roadshow 2018

Orrick is a Platinum Sponsor of this four-city roadshow tour across the United States aimed at reshaping perceptions on doing business in Africa to bolster US trade and investment and forge stronger connections between the US and African business leaders in key growth sectors.


Comparative analysis of English and Texan oil and gas law

Peter Roberts co-presented with Ashley Nguyen of BHP Petroleum on a comparative analysis of English and Texan oil and gas law at the Young Energy Professionals Conference sponsored by the Center for American and International Law in New Orleans. The three day event was attended by lawyers from ...


69th Annual Oil & Gas Law Conference

Orrick Partner Aravind Swaminathan spoke about managing cyber threats during the litigation section, while Partner Katherine Treistman served as the litigation chair for the conference.


LNG Workshop hosted by the European Commission

Orrick Partner Peter Roberts spoke about AIPN model LNG contracts. This workshop brought policymakers, regulators and business stakeholders from LNG producing and consuming countries together for a discussion and exchange of best practices in the global LNG market.