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GCVI Summit 2020

Orrick is sponsoring the 5th Annual 2020 GCVI Summit on January 29-30, 2020 in Monterey. This event will bring together over 800 business leaders from the corporate venturing and innovation professionals ecosystem.


Lean Startup Event

Orrick and M.M.Warburg & CO invite you to an event on Lean Startups on 24. October. Speaker Prof. Dr. Sebastian Becker from HEC Paris gives an overview of various Lean Startup practices.


Impact Capital Forum – Opportunity Zones

Orrick is hosting Impact Capital for their fourth gathering about Opportunity Zones. The working group’s members will discuss early stage venture capital and SME investments that can optimize their Opportunity Zones investment activity.


REFF Wall Street

Orrick is proud to sponsor the REFF Wall Street 2019 conference in New York. This years’ event focuses on the challenges the renewable energy sector faces at the crux of an energy transition and a new era for policymaking.