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Employment Issues for Startups

Employment Managing Associates, Alexandra Stathpoulos and Alexandra Heifetz are presenting at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law’s FORM+FUND Series.


Global Legal Blockchain Consortium Briefing

David Fisher, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Integra Ledger and Founder of the Global Legal Blockchain Consortium, will deliver a presentation regarding the state of blockchain technology in the business of law.


Seminar: Big Data and Antitrust

Digital Economy and Competition Law | The vision of two particularly committed national authorities (the German and the French) | At this seminar, representatives of the two authorities will inform us about their work and provide insights into their administrative priorities in the digital economy.


2018 Advanced eDiscovery Institute

Please join Orrick’s Chief Innovation Officer, Wendy Butler Curtis and Managing Project Attorney, Jeremiah Weasenforth at Georgetown Law’s 2018 Advance eDiscovery Institute program on November 15th.


Orrick Webinar: GDPR Hot Topics – Employer Essentials

We are now 6 months into this groundbreaking new law which has significant impact on businesses in and outside the EU. Clearly, given the significant volume of sensitive personal data processed, HR functions must take center stage as this new law bites.


Orrick Library Seminar - SEP及びFRAND: 最新動向と戦略的紛争解決

オリックのグローバル・ジャパン・プラクティスでは、「Orrick Library」と題し、日本のみならず米国、アジアおよびヨーロッパの各地域における様々な分野の法律問題についてセミナーを開催しております。次回のセミナーは、2018年11月13日(火)、午前9時~午前10時半にて開催いたします。


LACY Honors Luncheon

Join more than 300 business, legal, community leaders and show your support for Legal Advocates for Children & Youth (LACY), a program of the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley. LACY supports children facing serious issues like physical and sexual abuse, entry into the foster care system and ...


Sandpiper Partners’ 4th Annual Conference

Please join Orrick’s Chief Innovation Officer, Wendy Butler Curtis at Sandpiper Partners’ 4th Annual Conference, “New Law”: Disruption & Innovation in the Delivery of Legal Service on November 9th.


Orrick Library Seminar Series: 国際模擬仲裁・調停 - ビデオ上映とライブ解説

オリックのグローバル・ジャパン・プラクティスでは、「Orrick Library」と題し、日本のみならず米国、アジアおよびヨーロッパの各地域における様々な分野の法律問題についてセミナーを開催しております。次回のセミナーは、2018年11月8日(木)、午後6時~午後7時半にて開催いたします。


California Litigation Update

Orrick attorneys Fredrick Levin and Ali Abugheida addressed the California Supreme Court’s expansion of lender liability under the California Financing Law.