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Webinar: The LIBOR Phase Out

LIBOR is the most widely used reference rate in the financial markets and it may be discontinued after 2021. For U.S. dollar-denominated contracts, it is expected to be replaced with SOFR. Join us for a webinar to learn more about the expected transition from LIBOR to SOFR.


REFF Wall Street

Orrick Energy & Infrastructure Partner Chris Gladbach will moderate an Equity Investment session on June 20 from 3:15 – 4:15 p.m.


Africa Investment Rising Roadshow 2018

Orrick is a Platinum Sponsor of this four-city roadshow tour across the United States aimed at reshaping perceptions on doing business in Africa to bolster US trade and investment and forge stronger connections between the US and African business leaders in key growth sectors.


Comparative analysis of English and Texan oil and gas law

Peter Roberts co-presented with Ashley Nguyen of BHP Petroleum on a comparative analysis of English and Texan oil and gas law at the Young Energy Professionals Conference sponsored by the Center for American and International Law in New Orleans. The three day event was attended by lawyers from ...


69th Annual Oil & Gas Law Conference

Orrick Partner Aravind Swaminathan spoke about managing cyber threats during the litigation section, while Partner Katherine Treistman served as the litigation chair for the conference.


Looking at LNG: Expanding the LNG Market to Meet Future U.S. Supply

Please join Orrick and supporting organization LNG Allies at Orrick’s Houston office for a half day program focused on areas of vital interest to the LNG industry that have important implications for stakeholders across the entire natural gas industry.


Energies Nouvelles

Le Cabinet Orrick Rambaud Martel a le plaisir de vous inviter à une conference sur le thème : ENERGIES NOUVELLES Les défis d’un secteur en perpétuelle mutation Avec les interventions de : Jean-Pierre MARTEL, Associé fondateur d’Orrick Rambaud Martel, Paris Introduction des ...


Dive/In 2016

On Tuesday, October 18, Orrick will host our eighth annual “Dive/In,” a worldwide celebration of different backgrounds and cultures.


Infocast Corporate Renewables 2016

Infocast Corporate Renewables 2016 is a valuable resource for meeting your peers and renewable energy suppliers and advancing your game plan for successful renewable energy strategy and procurement.


After the Drop: A Briefing on the U.S. Oil Industry

The US shale business cycle is extremely fast compared to deep sea exploration in the North Sea and elsewhere. US oil producers have responded with great speed to the steep oil price declines of the past 18 months. Production, investment and rig counts are down. Bankruptcies, defaults and ...