Effective Management of Employee DSAR Requests: Practical Strategies and Compliance Insights
November.12.2024 | Virtual
November.12.2024 | Virtual
July.10.2024 | The Sedona Conference
Join us at the Sedona Conference where Dr. Christian Schröder will moderate the Global Regulation of AI discussion.
September.22.2022 | Virtual Conference
Join Orrick’s Cyber, Privacy & Data Innovation Group at Incident Response Forum Europe 2022 to discuss the most important issues now facing attorneys and professionals who work in this area.
September.23.2021 | Virtual Conference
July.08.2021 | Online Webinar
June.16.2021 | Online Webinar
May.26.2021 | Online Webinar
February.24.2021 | Webinar
January.22.2021 | Webinar(録音版)はこちらから視聴いただけます。
November.26.2020 | Online webinar
October.26.2020 | Webinar
October.16.2019 | Webinar - Recording Available
Two years after the start of the #MeToo movement, multinational companies are still navigating the movement's impact on the workplace and corporate reputational risk.