Orrick and Ganymede Capital's Fund Finance eRoundtable
July.07.2020 | Webinar - Recording Available
July.07.2020 | Webinar - Recording Available
May.20.2020 | Webinar - Connection details will be presented upon registration
May.12.2020 | Webinar - Recording Available
December.05.2019 | Fishmongers' Hall, London
October.16.2019 | Webinar - Recording Available
Two years after the start of the #MeToo movement, multinational companies are still navigating the movement's impact on the workplace and corporate reputational risk.
July.02.2019 | Riverbank House, London
June.27.2019 | Webinar - Recording Available
June.12.2019 | Clothworkers Hall, London
January.31.2019 | The Law Society
January.30.2019 - January.31.2019 | Hyatt Regency Monterey, Monterey, CA
November.15.2018 | Webinar - Recording Available
September.26.2018 | One Whitehall Place, London