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69th Annual Oil & Gas Law Conference

Orrick Partner Aravind Swaminathan spoke about managing cyber threats during the litigation section, while Partner Katherine Treistman served as the litigation chair for the conference.


LNG Workshop hosted by the European Commission

Orrick Partner Peter Roberts spoke about AIPN model LNG contracts. This workshop brought policymakers, regulators and business stakeholders from LNG producing and consuming countries together for a discussion and exchange of best practices in the global LNG market.


Energy Forum

Organized by The Adam Smith Society, this event will discuss how the energy industry is developing and speakers at this event included Carlo Montella and Alessandro De Nicola.


Africa Energy Forum

Orrick are sponsors of the Africa Energy Forum (AEF) - a global investment meeting for Africa’s power, energy, infrastructure and industrial sectors.


SF Roundtable State of the US Equity Market 2017 Update

Third-party tax equity financing has been a major driver of renewable energy development in the U.S., and a possible tax reform has the potential to unsettle this $12.7 billion giant. While the scope and viability of such a reform remains far from certain, investors, developers, and their advisors ...


Renewables without Subsidies: The New Normal

Join Orrick and our panel of experts for a seminar in which we consider the opportunities and challenges facing developers, investors and lenders in a post-subsidy world.


Y-a-t 'il un avenir pour les « champions nationaux » français de l'énergie?

Les « champions nationaux » français sont significativement présents dans le secteur de l'énergie. Héritières des grands établissements publics de l'après-guerre, ces sociétés disposent d'une expertise reconnue dans leurs domaines respectifs et, fortes notamment de leur réputation et de leur ...


The Anatomy of an Energy Storage Project

Join Orrick and our panel of experts for a seminar in which we consider the principal components of an energy storage project, from technology supply through to project development and discuss the various means of accessing the full value stack that storage can offer. Our panel of industry experts ...


Energies Nouvelles

Le Cabinet Orrick Rambaud Martel a le plaisir de vous inviter à une conference sur le thème : ENERGIES NOUVELLES Les défis d’un secteur en perpétuelle mutation Avec les interventions de : Jean-Pierre MARTEL, Associé fondateur d’Orrick Rambaud Martel, Paris Introduction des ...


Infocast Corporate Renewables 2016

Infocast Corporate Renewables 2016 is a valuable resource for meeting your peers and renewable energy suppliers and advancing your game plan for successful renewable energy strategy and procurement.