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Orrick Library Seminar Series: Information Exchange and the Extraterritorial Reach of EU Competition Law

日本語: 競合他社との情報交換に関わる問題とEU競争法の域外適用 Orrick’s Global Japan Practice is hosting a series of monthly “Orrick Library” seminars to explore legal issues in various fields in Japan as well as the United States, Asia and Europe. The next seminar will be held on Monday, November 13 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm in ...


Gas Sales Agreements

Peter Roberts will speak at the University of Dundee’s UK Oil and Gas Law annual conference on gas sale agreements.


Breakfast Briefing: Taking a Leaf out of the Ocean Rig Restructuring

Please join Orrick partners from London and New York, together with Ocean Rig's restructuring financial adviser, Evercore, who will discuss how their recent restructuring deal got done and how some of the new solutions that were developed can be applied to other international restructurings.


Orrick Library Seminar Series: International Arbitration in Singapore and Japan - New Rules and the Establishment of Mediation Centre in Japan

日本語: 国際仲裁:SIACにおけるルール改正と、日本における国際仲裁・調停センター設立の展望 Orrick’s Tokyo Office is hosting a series of monthly “Orrick Library” seminars to explore legal issues in various fields in Japan as well as the United States, Asia and Europe. The next seminar will be held on Tuesday, October 31 from 9:00 am to 10:30 ...


Orrick Library Seminar Series: Japanese Companies in US Courts: A Year in Review (Tokyo)

日本語: 米国裁判所における日本企業:1年を振り返って Japanese Companies in US Courts: A Year in Review Orrick’s Tokyo Office Litigation Group is hosting a series of monthly “Orrick Library” seminars to explore legal issues in various fields in Japan as well as the United States, Asia and Europe. The next seminar will be ...


IBM CDO Strategy Summit Fall

Wendy Butler Curtis, chair of Orrick’s eDiscovery & Information Governance group and Orrick Analytics, will speak at the Fall IBM Chief Data Officer Strategy Summit October 24-25, 2017 in Boston, MA.


Orrick Library Seminar Series: Japanese Companies in US Courts: A Year in Review (Osaka)

日本語: 米国裁判所における日本企業:1年を振り返って Japanese Companies in US Courts: A Year in Review Orrick’s Tokyo Office Litigation Group is hosting a series of monthly “Orrick Library” seminars to explore legal issues in various fields in Japan as well as the United States, Asia and Europe. The next seminar will be ...


Energy Forum

Organized by The Adam Smith Society, this event will discuss how the energy industry is developing and speakers at this event included Carlo Montella and Alessandro De Nicola.


AABA In-House for Social Justice

Orrick is proud to host the Asian American Bar Association’s In-House for Social Justice event on Tuesday, October 17 from 6:00-8:00 pm at Orrick’s San Francisco office. The panel discussion will be moderated by Darren Teshima, Co-Leader of Orrick’s Complex Litigation & Dispute Resolution group.


EQS Roadshow 2017 – Düsseldorf

Die EQS Gruppe lädt in Kooperation mit Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP herzlich zu ihrer diesjährigen Veranstaltung zum Thema Investor Relations ein. Themen sind unter anderem die Auswirkungen von MiFID II auf das Aufgabenspecktrum von IR Managern, die Vergütung von börsennotierten Unternehmen ...