By Adam
Wenner and Cory
On June 19, 2014, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
("FERC") issued a notice of proposed rulemaking ("NOPR") proposing
to revise its policies for applications to sell energy, capacity,
and ancillary services at market-based rates.
Generation owners and power marketers that sell wholesale energy,
capacity, or ancillary services in the continental United States,
outside of the area operated by the Electric Reliability Council of
Texas, must obtain prior authorization from FERC to sell at
market-based rates. FERC grants requests for market-based rate
authority from sellers that can demonstrate that they and their
affiliates lack or have adequately mitigated horizontal and vertical
market power in the relevant geographic market. FERC uses a
seller's balancing authority area or the relevant regional
transmission organization ("RTO") or independent system operator
market, as applicable, as the default geographic market. A
seller that obtains market-based rate authority is subject to
ongoing compliance obligations to demonstrate that it continues to
lack or has adequately mitigated market power in its relevant
FERC's policy is to use two indicative screens for assessing an
applicant's horizontal market power: the "pivotal supplier analysis"
and the "wholesale market share analysis." Under each screen,
FERC examines all of the generation owned or controlled by an
applicant and its affiliates in the relevant market. Applicants that fail either indicative screen are
rebuttably presumed to have market power and are given an
opportunity to present other evidence to demonstrate that, despite
the screen failure, they do not have market power. Once an
applicant obtains market-based rate authority, it must comply with
ongoing compliance obligations to demonstrate that it continues to
lack or has adequately mitigated horizontal and vertical market
To streamline its horizontal market power analysis, FERC proposes
to no longer require sellers in RTO markets to submit the indicative
screens. Instead, wholesale power sellers in RTO markets would
be permitted to rely on RTO market monitoring and mitigation
measures to prevent the exercise of market power. FERC also
clarifies that if all of the generation owned by a seller and its
affiliates in the relevant and first-tier markets is fully
committed, a seller does not need to submit the market screen
analyses; instead, the seller can state that its capacity is
fully-committed. FERC also proposes to clarify how sellers
should prepare simultaneous transmission import limit studies, which
measure the amount of power that can be imported into the relevant
FERC proposes to require sellers to provide an organization chart
depicting their affiliates and upstream owners when filing initial
market-based rate applications, updated market power analyses and
notices of change in status. Under the proposed rule, sellers
also would be required to submit the indicative screens and
affiliated asset appendices in an electronic spreadsheet format that
can be searched, sorted, and otherwise accessed using electronic
tools. FERC seeks comment on whether it would be useful for
FERC to develop a comprehensive searchable public database of the
information contained in the asset appendices.
Under FERC's existing regulations, sellers with market-based rate
authority must report to FERC any change in status that would
reflect a departure from the characteristics FERC relied upon in
granting market-based rate authority, including increases in
affiliated generation of 100 MW or more. FERC proposes to
clarify that the 100 MW reporting threshold is not limited to the
geographic markets previously studied by a seller. That is, a
seller must file a notice of change in status if it or its
affiliates acquire generation that causes a cumulative net increase
of 100 MW or more in any relevant geographic market.
The revised regulations also would require sellers to include
long-term firm purchases of capacity and/or energy in calculating
the 100 MW change in status threshold.
FERC requires all market-based rate applicants, and sellers
submitting a notice of change in status reporting new affiliates, to
submit an asset appendix in the form prescribed in Order No.
697. In its NOPR, FERC states that the asset appendix should
include all behind-the-meter generation and qualifying facilities
owned or controlled by the applicant or its affiliates. FERC
also proposes to allow sellers to aggregate their behind-the-meter
generation by balancing authority area or market into one line on
the asset appendix. Similarly, FERC proposes to allow sellers
to aggregate their qualifying facilities under 20 MW by balancing
authority area or market into one line. We note that while the
proposed rule would alleviate some of the burdens associated with
reporting numerous on-site generation, such as multiple rooftop
residential or commercial solar facilities owned by a solar energy
developer, the requirement to report all behind-the-meter generation
will still be quite burdensome for sellers that own multiple small
distributed generation facilities. We recommend that such
sellers submit comments to FERC suggesting that the asset appendix
should exclude all behind-the-meter generation that is 1 MW or
smaller or that does not export power to the grid.
Finally, FERC provides guidance on the use of joint
tariffs. FERC allows affiliated sellers within the same
corporate family to choose whether to transact under a single
market-based rate tariff for an entire corporate family or under
separate tariffs. These "joint tariffs" allow sellers that are
part of the same corporate family to designate a filing party to
submit a single tariff on behalf of all affiliates within the
corporate family. FERC notes that it is providing guidance on
its website on how the corporate family should identify its
designated filer and what each of the other filers should submit as
a tariff record.
Comments on the NOPR are due by 5 PM Eastern on Tuesday,
September 23, 2014.
Click here
for a copy of the NOPR. For more information about this
matter, please contact: Adam
Wenner Partner [email protected] (202)
Lankford Managing Associate [email protected] (202)