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234 items matching filters

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Energy Storage - Seizing Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges

On May 12, Orrick’s Energy Group hosted its first ever Orrick Energy Forum at its San Francisco offices.  Orrick Energy & Infrastructure partners Rohit Sachdev and Kristin Seeger moderated a panel discussion on opportunities and challenges in the energy storage industry with leaders from diverse ...


Future of Privacy Forum

Emily Tabatabai will be speaking at the Future of Privacy Forum's Student Privacy Boot Camp for Ed Tech Vendors at the University of California Hastings College of the Law on March 3, 2016. Emily will be speaking on the session "FERPA (applies to schools) and COPPA (applies to businesses)." This ...


2016 EU Privacy Roundtable

In December, the European Union published the final text of the long awaited General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) "to make Europe fit for the digital age." The GDPR transforms EU privacy laws and strengthens EU citizens' rights imposing significant burdens on businesses who collect and use ...


Managing Cyber Threats, Privacy & Risk

Companies are dealing with the new reality that their cybersecurity posture is important to business partners, customers, employees, board members, shareholders and regulators across the globe. With the dramatic rise in the prevalence and frequency of cyber-attacks that result in lost intellectual ...