The Corporate View on Regulatory Enforcement Developments and Enterprise Risk Threats: A CLE roundtable discussion on the topics keep

| May.02.2023 | 12pm - 1pm (Eastern Standard Time)

Washington DC

Corporate counsel are facing an unprecedented set of challenges, from the Biden administration’s increased enforcement to ever-changing privacy laws, novel cyber threats, and compliance and risk management.

Dr. Christian Schröder and Guy Singer hosted a CLE roundtable discussion on recent developments and enforcement trends while hearing from corporate in-house counsel, industry experts, and the Orrick legal team regarding practical ways to mitigate risk in these areas. Specific topics included:

  • DOJ policies and enforcement trends: predictions and practical guidance on internal controls, risk management, and what to expect moving forward
  • Privacy enforcement updates and cyber risks: Regulatory changes, the EU’s push for greater transparency, and managing cyber threats

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